January 2010 Baseline survey „Intercultural Dialogue, Tolerance and Non discrimination amongst young people”

Baseline survey „Intercultural Dialogue, Tolerance and Non discrimination amongst young people” was carried out for National Youth Council from the Republic of Moldova within October 2009 – January 2010. The target group of this survey was represented by young people aged 14-30 form the Republic of Moldova. The specific objectives of the research focused on:
(i) evaluation of knowledge related to ethnic groups;
(ii) analysis of interethnic relations;
(iii) establishment of the existing intercultural dialogue in the society;
(iv) revealment of youth’s attitude and degree of tolerance towards minority groups;
(v) submission of recommendations on educating youth in the spirit of interethnic tolerance and enhance intercultural dialogue in society

Center of Investigations and Consultation is a member of the Technical Assistance Alliance