During 2nd of November, 2015 – 20th of May, 2016, the Centre for Investigations and Consultation „SocioPolis” have conducted training courses for specialists employed in the social field on „The psychosociology of the relationship between the child and the social worker”. The topics approached during the training courses tackled subjects related to the international and national standards on the protection and care of children at risk and children left behind, child growth and development, support provided to children at risk by overcoming trauma, learning, behavioural and emotional issues as well as subjects related to maintaining caregivers’ health by acquiring some techniques to prevent occupational stress.
Hence, 56 training sessions have been conducted with 906 specialists in social field: representatives of territorial structures of social assistance and family protection, specialists employed in centres for temporary placement, day care centres, community centres, professional parental assistants and parent-educators from Family-type homes.
The training sessions have been conducted within the framework of the project „Strengthening qualifications of persons providing social protection services to children and youth in Moldova” implemented by Caritas Czech Republic and the Centre for Investigations and Consultation ”SocioPolis”, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family with the financial support of the Czech Development Agency.