June 2015 The research „Assessment of adult non formal education in the Republic of Moldova”

The research „Assessment of adult non formal education in the Republic of Moldova”carried out by CIC SocioPolis at the request of DVV International in the Republic of Moldova during May – November 2014. The objectives of the research comprised:
(i) the analysis of the surveys on lifelong learning and existing statistical data;
(ii) the review of normative framework and polices related to adult non formal education;
(iii) the analysis of the supply and demand for adult non formal education;
(iv) identification of existent difficulties in accessing non formal education services;
(v) submission of recommendation for the development of non-formal education services in the Republic of Moldova.

Summary of result see here:The research „Assessment of adult non formal education in the Republic of Moldova”

Center of Investigations and Consultation is a member of the Technical Assistance Alliance