December 2015 Men and gender equality in the Republic of Moldova

The International Survey „Men and gender equality” (IMAGES) is coordinated by the Promundo organisation and the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), being one of the most comprehensive studies, which provides a holistic perspective of the life of men and women, attitudes and behaviour of men and women towards gender equality, family relationships, the role and involvement of men in family life, raising and education of children, childhood experiences of violence, gender equality in the family, stress, migration, unemployment etc. Since 2014, this study has been applied in 10 countries as a tool for evaluation of attitudes and behaviour of men and women in the process of implementation of program initiatives in gender equality area. Data and recommendations of the IMAGES study served in these countries as basis for the launch of national level discussions regarding the need to elaborate new policies, develop new initiatives, aimed towards promoting gender equality and prevention of gender based violence.

The goal of the research „Men and gender equality in the Republic of Moldova was the identification and understanding of the behaviour and attitudes of men and women, and of the changes influencing their attitudes and behaviour, to serve for the development, directing and monitoring of policies in the gender equality domain. The research resulted in collection of national level data, which serve as reference for monitoring the changes, expected to take place in the attitudes and behaviour of women and men, as a result of implementation of policies and programs for promoting gender equality.

Center of Investigations and Consultation is a member of the Technical Assistance Alliance